Good 20 years back I was being able to be a member of Ananda college Sinhala debating team. I can recollect those memories. I am proud, that I was a member of the best school debating team in those days. But we all saw, once language barrier came, we had got stuck .With entering to university, usage of oratory played on me in different ways.
It was a gem I was seeking almost for 15 good years, which I found in 2009 August. Thanks to Omega Line Where I work, I was fortunate to smell & taste the toast.
With the time passed by there was strong call from my heart that we have to expand our wings to my home town. Zephyr Bloch-Jorgensen says “Dedication involves making the space to let young ideas take hold; every tree was once a seed and every company was once an idea.”Thanks to Sudash Liyanage our Ex- Division governor of H, We were pushed to do the business with the great assistance of Mr. Punsirimevan Kamburawala our treasurer.
Today we are in a journey, building up things for the future. With carefully studying ways & means of improving the quality of educational meetings we have given challenges to each & every member to drive for own excellence. We have already appointed some carefully chosen mentors who are having capacity to help others, while earning their own goals.
It is a very short way we have come, after only chartered by September 27th. I am proud of the progression made by us thanks to helps & guidance from our seniors & dedication of all members including Ex-co.
I take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped us in different ways to succeed this event .We invite all parties who are having the willingness of improve your leadership & Communication skills to join the hands with us.
Let us achieve greatness together.
Ruwan Perera